Harvest season has started in Greene County.
Landus Cooperative Field Agronomist Zach Minnihan tells Raccoon Valley Radio soybean harvest started about one week ago and corn started shortly after. He points out harvest season in Greene County is off to an earlier start than normal.
“We’re probably on about a two week, ten day ahead of our, I would say, ten year average. But just warm and droughty conditions predominantly throughout the growing season, this crop is going to finish early. We’ve been in the 90s and the mid-80s for the last week or more now too in September even. This crop will finish right down and be dry.”
Minnihan says early yield numbers for soybeans are between 65 and 75 bushels per acre.
“Looking at this crop and evaluating just on the ground and out in the field, it looks, both corn and soybeans do look like the potential for the crop to be out there.”
According to the latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report, statewide corn was rated 58-percent good to excellent and soybeans were 61-percent.