
The Greene County School District is reporting low numbers of COVID-19 cases in students, but when it comes to staff, those numbers are higher.

At the most recent school board meeting last week, Superintendent Tim Christensen mentioned there were 49 students who were out because of COVID-19, which was four-percent of the student population, but 20 staff, or ten-percent, had tested positive for the virus. Christensen says while this issue puts a strain on the rest of the staff, finding substitute teachers has also been a challenge. 

However, the school board approved raising sub pay from $120 per day to $135. Christensen notes The Iowa Legislature has also changed the substitute requirements that an individual just needs an associates college degree or 60 hours of college coursework to be eligible to take the certification course. 

“Just want people to really consider about maybe taking substitute authorization class. Prairie Lakes AEA is actually sponsoring one, it’s an online one that starts September 27th. People can contact Prairie Lakes AEA or contact the district and we can provide more information about that. But (I) would encourage people to look at that because substitute teaching, it’s a challenge now, but it’s always a challenge.”     

It was also mentioned at the board meeting that if numbers of staff reduced to a certain point, classes may have to be cancelled until further notice, which Christensen doesn’t want to have to go that route.