The Greene County School Board will meet twice tomorrow night.
The work session will begin at 5:15pm. The Board will discuss a flexibility account, staffing and subs, along with a discussion about holding future work sessions.
The regular board meeting will start at 6:30pm. Under old business, the Board will hear an COVID-19 update, along with the second reading of several board policy changes. Under new business, the Board will consider for approval sub employee pay rates, the 2020-21 certified annual and transportation reports, special education supplement report and the requests for allowable growth for the school year for special education deficit and excess limited for English proficiency expenditures.
Additionally, the Board will consider an appointment to the Iowa Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly, the nutrition fund payscale, two out of state trip requests, a fundraiser request and set a public hearing for flexibility funds.
Both meetings will take place at the District Board Room in the middle school.