
As Homecoming Week for the Perry Community School District recently ended, one of the highlights is the king and queen coronation ceremony. 

Volunteer day kicked off Wednesday and was capped off with the crowning of the homecoming king and queen. The  royalty included Perry student Manny Soto as homecoming king. Soto explained how it felt to be voted homecoming  king.

“I had no idea, I was just pretty happy to be on court.”

Then for the queen, Nubia Torres was chosen as their 2021 homecoming queen. Torres described her initial reaction to being crowned queen for Perry in 2021.

“It feels great. I’m shocked. I don’t have any words to say. I kind of didn’t realize that it was on my head until a few seconds later and then I was like, ‘Oh, wow this is actually happening.’”

After the homecoming coronation the week wrapped up with the football game Friday night against the visiting Clarke Indians followed by the homecoming dance in the high school commons.