The Perry City Council will consider approving an Airport Commission member at their regular meeting tonight.
Also, the Council will consider approving the sale of unused and outdated equipment, the soliciting of a request for proposal for qualified tree trimming and removal and the soliciting of a request for qualifications for a sewer cleaning and inspections contractor and an approval of an agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for maintenance and repair of primary roads within the city limits of Perry.
Additionally, the Council will consider approving a change order and pay request for the 2021 crack sealing project, a pay application for the wastewater treatment facility improvements, a services agreement with Safe Building LLC and discuss the points from the August 27th work session on fireworks and have a time to hear public input.
The Perry City Council will meet at 6 p.m. tonight in the Towncraft Building. There are virtual options to attend the meeting which can be found below.
Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82504555478?pwd=SElXODlkRW1RVXhQekJDOUVoMk1zUT09 Or by phone:
Meeting ID: 825 0455 5478
Passcode: 116576