With the school year officially underway, there has been a rise in vaccinations in Dallas County since students entered the school buildings this year.
Dallas County Health Department Public Information Officer Ann Cochran says the county is doing better with vaccinations throughout the past several weeks when there was a lag in the summer, especially those in the 12-17 age range.
“We have had an upturn here just recently at back to school time which is great and we hope that that will continue. We hope that people will realize that if they, as adults, as even people that aren’t parents, if they get vaccinated that will benefit everybody in the community.”
Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio adult vaccinations will also help those in the community who are too young to be vaccinated.
The Pfizer vaccine is currently authorized for those ages 12 and up and a list of where you can receive the vaccine in Dallas County can be found here.