
A local event which lets the community see the behind the scenes of organizations in Perry has returned with this month’s event right around the corner. 

 Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti says September’s Chamber Coffee event will feature the Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates (iJAG) organization and she describes how the location for this event will be different. 

“We will actually be having the Chamber Coffee at the Towncraft Center where the chamber office is located upstairs in one of the meeting rooms. Then our host is actually providing the treats and refreshments as normal but then giving a presentation.”  

Pasutti tells Raccoon Valley Radio there will be three teachers present from iJAG to give the presentation. She recently went to a meeting and heard a presentation on collaboration with iJAG which paved the way for the organization to host the Chamber Coffee.  

“It’ll be an opportunity for businesses and other community members to learn more about the program and the way that they can work with them to provide that better connection with those students and those opportunities for those students to learn more about their businesses.”  

The Chamber Coffee will take place beginning at 8 a.m. September 10th. iJAG is a non-profit organization that helps connect business and education to provide dropout prevention and school to career solutions in Iowa.