The Guthrie County Supervisors met Tuesday.

The Samuels Group updated the Board on the Law Enforcement Center project, specifically about the roof and drainage system. 

Other updates the Board heard were from Guthrie County Sheriff Marty Arganbright about a payroll change notice for Blake Michelsen and Guthrie County Health Services Director Jotham Arber on the American Rescue Plan. 

The Board approved six County held tax sale assignments for parcels to KC Gerlitz. They also appointed Corinne Palmer and Michael Moore to the Guthrie County Compensation Board, Marty Arganbright as the Guthrie County Representative to the Region XII Regional Housing Authority Board of Directors, and they approved a pay application to the Samuels Group for $64,783 and a Shive Hattery invoice as presented. 

The Board tabled the potential change order for parking and paving of the new law enforcement center due to waiting for Shive Hattery completion of the project and financial support to the Adair Community Center since they have not historically funded other community center projects.