
As the Perry Farmers Market moves into its final month, there are still plenty of fun activities for people to look forward to. 

Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti says the month of September will have a change in the produce as the seasons change. She points out people will still be able to get some of their favorites such as tomatoes but the final month will bring out different vendors. 

“We are getting more of the winter squash and the pumpkins. So, that’ll be a very visible change as one of our vendors only comes in September with lots of pumpkins, and gourds, and the decorative side of things, but then also all of that winter squash that keeps so well.”

Pasutti tells Raccoon Valley Radio not only will the produce options change but a new month brings a new slate of special events. Pasutti says September’s free produce will feature apples and the special event will be Public Works Night. 

“Our last special event of the month will be Public Works Night, I think that’s what we are going to call it anyway based on who’s all going to come but we are inviting the City (of Perry) and their departments to kind of show off some of their equipment and trucks, vehicles that they have.”

Pasutti adds, with five Thursdays in September people will have plenty of opportunities to come out and get their taste of local produce and special events.