The Wallace Tower crews have left Perry, signifying the completion of the Raccoon Valley Radio tower project.
General Manager John McGee says the work is finally completed on all three towers to repair damage that occurred during last year’s derecho storm. McGee says the work will have the towers better prepared to handle severe weather by removing unneeded items off the towers.
“They took down some of the electric, the lights for instance on the west tower that were no longer needed with the new codes and the new rules that are out there as well as some of the old antennas and transmission lines that were up the center tower that are no longer needed and anytime you can remove that stuff off the tower it makes it easier to handle a wind load, an ice load.”
McGee says with the project complete listeners should expect the same product as before the project began. McGee says it’s a good feeling to have the project completed.
“The type of project that we had here with repairing those towers is hopefully a once in a career type project.”
The tower project consisted of replacing the porcelain insulators on all three towers, replacing the east tower and removing the lighting from the east and west towers as well as replacing the antennas and transmission line for the center tower.