Some good rainfall this month has helped ease drought conditions in the Raccoon Valley Radio-listening area.
According to the National Weather Service, since August 1st through this past Monday, Perry and Jefferson have each received 1.38-inches of rainfall, and Guthrie Center saw 1.86.
Weatherology Meteorologist Ray Miller says the area is two to three inches behind what the normal average in the past 30 days and 12 inches below the normal yearly rate. Miller is not optimistic that there will be any heavy rainfall that will curb the drought anytime soon.
“There is no significant change in the pattern at this point that suggests we’re going to see a shift over to significant moisture moving in.”
According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor, the majority of Guthrie, Greene and Dallas counties are under a moderate drought. The northeast part of Greene is still in a severe drought. About 20 counties are suffering from a severe drought, six in an extreme drought, and only about 24 portions or entire counties are not in a drought, which is mostly in southeastern Iowa.