As the COVID-19 pandemic moves forward, the transmission of the virus in Dallas County continues to be an issue.
According to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 transmission map, Dallas County is considered a high transmission county. Dallas County Health Department Public Information Officer Ann Cochran reminds people about taking an important precaution to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
“Wearing a mask in crowded and especially indoor public spaces will reduce the risk of spreading the infection right here at home.”
Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio that while people can wear masks while in indoor public places or congregating around other people, there is another widely available option they can take.
“It’s important to remember that being vaccinated is going to help you keep from getting very sick from the COVID virus. However, the vaccine does not 100-percent guarantee that you will not get the virus at all. It will reduce your symptoms and you are much less likely to get very sick.”
For a full list of the places you can receive a COVID-19 vaccination in Dallas County you can go here.