Today is the final day of the sales tax free holiday in Iowa.
Until midnight tonight, any retailer that is normally open today and sells clothing or shoes under $100 are required to participate in the Tax-Free Week Holiday, where customers don’t have to pay sales tax. Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Retail Revamped Member Bonnie Silbaugh encourages everyone to shop local today.
“You all know you can’t find everything for kids in town, but there are some really cute different shoes, clothes, schools supplies where you can look local first, and try to get some of that done in town, and do what you need to this weekend, which will be really fun.”
Items that are not considered clothing include watches, jewelry, handkerchiefs, sporting equipment, any special clothing or footwear designed for athletic activity or protective use and are not considered appropriate for everyday wear. The Iowa Department of Revenue holds the annual sales tax holiday as a way to help people save money while getting ready for school, and promote shopping at small businesses.