While the Olympic Games were taking place in Tokyo Japan, the Iowa Games took place in Ames. Don Orris has coached the local youth archery club, Gang Greene, for over a quarter century, and he said 2021 was a very good year for the club. “We have 22 archers and seven participated in the Iowa Games, with six winning medals.”
In the Youth 12-14 year old division of Recurve Olympic Freestyle Limited archery, Eli Carstensen won gold, Brady Carstensen silver, and Mason Wampler bronze. in the Young Adult Male 15-17 year old division, Jaydon Carstsensen earned the gold medal and Jax Carstensen was silver medalist. Krista Wailves won gold in the Young Adult Female 15-17 division.
Orris learned the sport of archery from 1972 Olympic Gold Medalist, the late Doreen Wilber, and her husband, Paul (Skeeter), of Jefferson.