The City of Jefferson has announced a public informational meeting about improvements to one of its main thoroughfares.
City Administrator Mike Palmer says an open house for the West Lincoln Way project will be held August 11th from 5-7pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. He notes that preliminary discussions with city staff, engineers with Bolton and Menk, as well as a steering committee, have developed conceptuals of the proposed improvements from Highway 4 to Grimmell Road on West Lincoln Way. He says the project includes tearing out the existing pavement and starting over.
“One of the features, I think they’re really seeking a lot of comment is how much pedestrian-friendly it’ll be (with) wider sidewalks on one side, a little bit narrower street. What we’d see is the parking go away from one side of the street and more use of a shared use path, they call it, it’ll be about a 10-12 foot wide path on the other side. So people can more easily access the downtown and the hospital.”
Palmer adds the purpose of the meeting is to gather public input before plans can move forward with the project. The meeting is free and open to the public.