Photo courtesy of Jefferson Telecom
Another Jefferson-based business recently announced its financial contribution toward a child care project.
Jefferson Telecom Board of Directors approved a multi-year, $100,000 pledge from the Jefferson Telephone Company Charitable Trust to the Greene County Early Learning Center building project. The donation is part of the learning center’s “Growth Happens Here” campaign to raise the final amount of funds needed for the $2.1 million project that will increase those children that are served in the area to 145, which is an increase of its current capacity of 94.
Jefferson Telecom CEO Jamie Daubendiek says the Board sees this as an investment in Greene County’s future. He adds, studies show that in Greene County, the main factors that drive economic vitality in the community are affordable housing and childcare. They believe the early learning center is a key component to maintain a quality workforce and bring in new people to the community.