It was warm, sunny weather for the 2021 Stuart Good Egg Day/Sesquicentennial Plus One event on Saturday in Stuart.
The one-day event started with the 5K run/walk, followed by the parade, which kicked-off with the National Anthem, performed by Beth Belden. The Grand Marshals were highlighted in the parade with Jim and Norma Kloewer, who were also present later on for the re-dedication ceremony of Kloewer Field. The Citizen of the Year recipient was Audrey Gomez. Parade Emcee Russ Wagner shared his thoughts on how he thought the parade went, considering this event was cancelled last year because of the pandemic.
“This just shows that people are anxious to be out. Attendance was great. I think the Citizen of the Year is a pillar in the community, as is the Grand Marshals. They’re moving back August 1st, so we’re glad to have them back.”
Other activities that took place included Ag 4 All, water fights with the Stuart Fire Department, the rededication ceremony of Kloewer Field and it ended with the street dance. Click Raccoon Valley Radio’s Facebook page to see pictures from the event.