The Perry City Council will consider approving a services agreement with Safe Building LLC at their regular meeting tonight.
Also, the Council will consider approving an employment agreement for the city administrator, the signing and acceptance of the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds terms and conditions, setting salaries of City of Perry employees for fiscal year 2022, the sale of outdated equipment and a pay application for the Airport Fuel System upgrade.
Finally, the Council will set a time and date for a public hearing on the intent to dispose of public property, consider approving a solar power and services agreement with Red Lion Perry Solar, and two local unions for Teamsters Local Union #238 and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local Union for a period of July 1st 2021 to June 30th 2024.
The Perry City Council will meet at 6 p.m. tonight in the Towncraft Building. There are virtual options to attend which can be found below.
Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86258435879?pwd=cTE3amJGdE0wQ0tDTWpiWkV4UnVIQT09 Or by phone:
Meeting ID: 862 5843 5879
Passcode: 501545