For those traveling in Perry there is a reminder that there will be some increased bike traffic through the area today.
The BACoon Ride will be making its way through portions of Dallas and Guthrie Counties today, on the Raccoon River Valley Trail, including Perry. Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti talks about the number of bike riders coming through the city today.
“There are hundreds, literally hundreds of riders that will be coming through the trail. So, every single time that trail crosses the road there is going to be interaction with vehicles and riders potentially. It is just something to be really familiar with. It’s going to be happening all day, like I said Waukee to Waukee on the trail. It will be in Perry around 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. is the window that services will be provided.”
The BACoon Ride will also travel through other Dallas County towns, including Adel, Dallas Center and Minburn, as well as Guthrie County towns with Panora and Jamaica among other area towns.