The Stuart Chamber has started a new program that is focused on residents helping residents.
Chamber Board President Ryan Morrison says Time Banking is a program that allows Stuart residents to ask for help with doing a project or needing other services and then having those services be fulfilled by another resident. Morrison explains the details of the program.
“With the economy the way it’s been this last year or so because of COVID, not everybody has a bunch of free money laying around. It’s difficult to pay people for these things. So it’s about reaching out to your neighbors and saying, ‘Hey I need this done but I can provide this service (in exchange) to the community. I may not be able to do something for you directly but this person over here could, and do something you need help with, and you could help me out.’ It exchanges time rather than dollars among the community members.”
Morrison talks about the goals of the program.
“It’s about organizations and individuals asking for the help that they need and nobody is obligated to pick that up. But I think as the community reaches out and helps their neighbor and gets help from their neighbors, then it builds connections that may not have otherwise happened. It brings that closeness back to a small community.”
Morrison says individuals can make a profile through the Time Banking registration page and identify the ways they want to be contacted and provide that information. Click the link below to sign up for the program.
Registration link: