Photo courtesy of Greene Co Sheriff's Office
The Greene County Sheriff’s Office recently picked up a new recruit.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams tells Raccoon Valley Radio Raider is a pure-bred German Shepherd dog, who is about three months old, and they got him from Blitzkrieg Kennels in Ida County, Iowa. He notes that Raider’s parents were also in law enforcement during their life. Williams explains why they wanted a puppy.
“We decided to go with a puppy because it is significantly cheaper and we wanted a dog that we could have around kids. We were looking at other dogs, pre-trained dogs, and we just couldn’t find one that was safe to have around kids for doing tours or going out to the school. So then we made the decision that having a dog that’s friendly around kids is my main priority, as it helps with the breaking barriers between kids and police, especially in today’s society.”
Williams says Raider is going through obedience training currently and he’s hoping within the next nine months to do narcotics, followed by apprehension. He talks about why they wanted to continue with a canine that will perform apprehension.
“Especially last year with all of the pursuits we’ve had, the foot chases we’ve had, and the acceleration and the violence from the criminals that we’re arresting. In Greene County, and most small counties, you have one officer out. And them having a partner or the ability to have something that can tells us when we’re getting close to somebody is a huge benefit.”
Williams says Deputy Chris Freshewill continue to be the K-9 handler and when he feels Raider is ready, their current canine Leo will be officially retired in order to let him live out the rest of his life as a normal dog. Williams appreciates the community support, as the purchasing of the dog, along with the necessary equipment and training is completely supported by donations. He adds, anyone can still donate funds as they will need to purchase food and pay for medical bills. Donations can be made to the Sheriff’s Office, earmarked for the K-9 unit.