With the free fishing weekend coming up this weekend, the Dallas County Conservation Board is looking to help out.
Outreach Coordinator Sarah Gilchrist says naturalists with the Dallas County Conservation Board will be at Glissman Nature Area June 4th-6th for the Department of Natural Resources free fishing weekend.
“A naturalist will meet you with rods, and reels and bait at Glissman Nature Area, and kind of give people who maybe don’t have the equipment to fish or who are new to fishing, give them some tips, get them setup. It’s a great thing to come out if you are just kind of curious or you’ve got little kids and need extra hands.”
Gilchrist tells Raccoon Valley Radio people are welcome to fish at this area outside of free fishing weekend but naturalists won’t be on hand to help people. She adds, there are time slots for people to sign up for.
You can register for a time slot for free fishing weekend here.