
As area schools let out for the summer, reading programs with local libraries are set to begin. 

Panora Public Library Director Kim Finnegan says there are two programs going on with story times in the month of June as well as the summer reading program that will take place in June and July. 

“They will come in and sign up in June and start the reading program. Usually what we tell them is that they can take books that they are able to read. We don’t pick the books for them, we have them pick what they want to read. So, for every five (books read) then they get a prize.”

Finnegan tells Raccoon Valley Radio one of the prizes for the reading program is a free ticket to the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines. Finnegan explains the importance of reading over the summer months. 

“They need to have something to read all summer. There is other things to do also but reading is very important. The better they read, the better they do in school. So, we encourage them to at least come and check a book out.”

The summer reading program with the Panora Public Library is set to begin on June 4th.