It’s National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week and the Greene County Ambulance Department is highlighting the year with purchasing a new ambulance.
Ambulance Director Michele Madsen says they received a Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation Grant for $128,000. She was shocked when she found out that GGCGC gave half of the funding needed for a new ambulance.
“So super grateful for them willing to choose us to be worthy of that grant money and the fact that they consider our service to the county and all of the residents of this county is that important.”
Madsen says the new vehicle is a Type I Ambulance, meaning it will have four-wheel drive, which she points out will be a tremendous benefit.
“We’ve worked with the (Greene County) sheriff’s department with making sure we’re able to access patients when there’s inclement weather or road conditions are just not one that it’s safe for us to take our rigs out on. So we’re utilizing sheriff’s vehicles if necessary for transport. That’s not necessarily in the best interest of the patients, but to get them from point A to point B we were going to do whatever is necessary. Being able to know that we have some weight (with the new ambulance), some clearance, and some traction that we wouldn’t have before.”
Madsen adds, the new ambulance will come equipped with infection controls against viruses like COVID-19. She anticipates getting the new ambulance by the end of this year.