
The Perry City Council will consider approving a fireworks permit at their regular meeting today. 

Also, the Council will hold a public hearing and consider approving the proposal to enter into a sewer loan and disbursement agreement, consider approving a construction loan application and authorizing submittal and receive a report from Ad Hoc firework committee. 

Finally, the Council will consider awarding and approving a lease agreement for the Caboose Park Concessions, set a public hearing for a fiscal year 2021 budget amendment and consider approving a letter of support for Des Moines Area Community College in its College Access Network Grant Application. 

The Perry City Council will meet at 6 p.m. today in the Towncraft Building. There is a virtual option to attend which can be found below. 

Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone: Or by phone: 


Meeting ID: 836 4781 3866 

Passcode: 897489