Following a possible second explosion sound Saturday evening from the Landus Cooperative site in Jefferson, the farmer-owned company released another statement.
Landus released this statement regarding Saturday night’s situation that fire and law enforcement responded to around 7:15pm: “the head house of the grain elevator started on fire. This is a normal occurrence for this type of situation. The location is secure and does not pose a threat to public safety.”
The incident happened after what Landus referred to Friday’s situation as a “dust explosion” that was reported shortly after 8am. Jefferson Fire Chief Jack Williams said Friday’s explosion caused catastrophic damage to not only the grain elevator, where the explosion happened, but it blew the neighboring grain bins tops off and severely damaged the catwalks and scaffoldings.
Following the initial investigation Friday afternoon, Landus Cooperative said that a salvage company that specializes in extinguishing grain was to report on site to safely remove the grain from the bin where the grain was still smoldering.
Jefferson Police Sergeant Jeremy Behrens told Raccoon Valley Radio that no one was hurt in either Friday’s initial explosion or Saturday’s incident. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.