May 6, 2021 to May 12, 2021
Vehicle 1 Red 2005 Nissan Altima registered to and driven by Raquel Esperanza Mendendez
Hernandez, 1423 7th St., Perry,
Vehicle 2 Blue 2007 Chevy Silverado Pickup registered to Steven stammer, 1723 4th St., Perry
driven by James Allen Ward, 317 7th St., Perry.
Vehicle 1 was traveling westbound on Highway 141 turning left into the Hy-Vee parking lot and
admitted to not seeing and striking vehicle 2. who was traveling eastbound on Highway 141.
Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2 as well as a 1994 Vermeer 665 Stump remover belonging to Walton
Tree service which was being pulled behind vehicle 2, Driver of vehicle 1 was cited for failure to
yield upon let turn. Approximately $16500.00 damage,
Vehicle 1 Silver 2011 Ford Eclipse registered to and driven by Elsa Ghnmy Hagos, 2023 Willis
Driver vehicle 1 was distracted and ran into the building located at 2023 Willis Ave causing an
estimated $25,000 damage.
Officers received a report of criminal mischief to a vehicle tire in the 1200 block of 161h Street.
Officers received a report of criminal mischief to a vehicle tire in the 800 block of 4th Street.
May 10:
Arrest: 13 year old male was taken into custody and charged with simple assault.
Arrest: Martiza Salinas, age 26, 2111 College St, Cedar Falls Iowa was taken into custody and
charged with criminal mischief 4th degree.
May 11:
Arrest: Alejandro Rios, age 19, 1716 7th Street,,Perry was arrested on a Dallas County warrant,
Perry’s original charge of Assault with intent to cause serious injury, three counts.
There were two motor vehicle accidents on the 11th of May that were not available at the
time of the media release. Will post information on the next release.