
As part of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address, he called for an increase in gun control, due to several mass shootings that have happened this year across the country.

Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District Representative Randy Feenstra has a different idea in mind by looking at what he calls the root problem with gun violence, and that is mental health, especially in younger people.

“And really understand the mental health capacity and brain health of what’s happening to people from the younger age and as they grow older into high school and things like that. A lot of these things can be preempted by understanding the issues that are happening in somebody’s mental capacity and in their life.”

Feenstra believes there needs to be more funding in support of mental health services.

“I think at the state and federal level that there’s got to be dollars that help support mental health, at the elementary school level (and) high school level. And then making sure there’s enough beds in our state. We just got to continue to work collaboratively together at the federal and state level to make sure that we expand our mental health capacity and ability to handle those that are struggling.”

Feenstra is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution of the right to keep and bear arms, and wants to pursue mental health challenges.