
Over 200 Guthrie County elementary students participated in Farm Safety Day this past week with the Guthrie County ISU Extension Office.

Coordinator Teresa Mowrer told Raccoon Valley Radio third and fourth graders from Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center, Panorama and Coon Rapids-Bayard school districts spent their own day at the Guthrie County Fairgrounds learning about safety topics, including grain bin, sun, tractor, electrical, animal and All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs).  

Panorama third grader Delaney David explained what she learned about sun safety.

“If your shadow is smaller than you, you have to go back inside. Because if your shadow is smaller than you that means it’s hot outside and you should apply sunblock or go back inside (your home).”

Mowrer appreciates the community support for their 20th year of Farm Safety Day, especially since the event was cancelled last year, due to COVID-19. 

“Thank you, thank you so much because this is not possible with just a few people, it takes a crew.”

The presenters included Landus Cooperative with grain bin safety, ISU Extension and Outreach with sun, tractor and animal safety topics, Panorama FFA with ATV safety and Guthrie County Rural Electrical Cooperative with electrical safety. The event took place Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.