The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, Supervisor Chair John Muir gave a report about making repairs to the courthouse roof. Gary Goodwin, or Goodwin and Sons Painting, presented a cost estimate to use a silicon-based product to repair and improve three targeted areas where water is pooling and not feeding to a drain. The Board will consider approving the estimate at their meeting next week.
County Deputy Auditor Billie Hoskins told the Board they needed to appoint community members to a temporary redistricting commission, based on the new U.S. Census information. The Board agreed to select three of five members to the commission and because all supervisors are Republicans, Hoskins will ask the Greene County Democratic Party for two recommendations. The Board will then consider approving the commission next week, as they are required to do so by May 15th.
The Board then transferred funds to debt service for payment of bond interest and fiscal costs. The transfers included $2,719 from the general fund and $194.24 from capital projects remaining balance, and $70,541 from tax increment financing reserves. Finally, the Board approved supporting a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice to purchase seven vests for the Greene County Sheriff’s Office as presented.