As the 89th Iowa General Assembly surpasses it’s technical date for closure, lawmakers are still discussing bills.
State Senator for District 10 Jake Chapman has been a part of a piece of legislation that aims to eliminate the statute of limitations as it relates to those who have perpetrated sex abuse crimes against children something Chapman says isn’t usual for the Senate President to do.
“As the President of the Senate, I don’t typically run legislation on the floor but in this case I felt it was very important for me to do so. What amazed me was how many people (including) lobbyists, Iowans, individuals who came into my office and would share with me the horrific crimes that had been committed against them, or against family members.”
Chapman tells Raccoon Valley Radio these sex crimes are more prevalent than he thought. Chapman says he feels it shouldn’t matter when a victim comes forward to report a sex crime the perpetrator should be held accountable.
“My message today is for those who are perpetrators, who have violated young people, we are coming for you. The law is going to protect these victims and if and when they decide they are going to come forward we are going to hold these individuals accountable to the fullest extent of the law .”
Chapman says he doesn’t feel a perpetrator should be able to walk away with no repercussions due to an arbitrary deadline.