
Photo courtesy of Iowa Cattlemen's Association

A Greene County farming family was recently recognized for their conservation efforts.

Justin and Lacie Robbins of Robbins Land and Cattle LLC were named the 2021 recipient of the Iowa Environmental Stewardship Award from the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association. The award is given to cattle producers that exemplify good stewards of land and natural resources.

Over the past 18 years, Justin has dedicated time and energy into enhancing his farming operation with conversation practices. One way he has done this is through the use of cover crops on his corn acres and his goal is to implement the practice on 50-percent of his farming operation. Justin says cover crops have helped suppress weeds, reduce input costs and retain essential nutrients in the soil. He has also rebuilt and implemented farm ponds on pasture ground as another conservation practice.

Robbins Land and Cattle will now compete against the award recipients from Missouri, Mississippi, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin, with the regional winner to be announced in July.