
Eddie Diaz, Director of DMACC VanKirk Career Academy in Perry; photo courtesy of DMACC

The Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) VanKirk Career Academy will roll out program this fall. 

DMACC VanKirk Career Academy Director Eddie Diaz says they are creating program which Diaz says will be called “applied engineering” and will deal with things such as electricity, along with bench and hand tools, among other things. 

“With the idea that they do some summer work while they are in high school. That work-based learning component is something employers are really looking for, so is the student body.”

Diaz says there will also be another opportunity coming up this summer with a computer programming academy course. Diaz explains that students will learn software languages and the program can be completed in three semesters depending on their speed.

“High school students can take it for free, college, adult age students can still take it. It’s an online program with a lot of face-to-face supports.”

Diaz says if people think they might be interested in giving it a shot he recommends they take it this summer. Contact the VanKirk Career Academy to learn more or to sign up.