At the most recent Panorama School Board meeting, the Board decided to continue to make masks optional district-wide.

Superintendent Shawn Holloway tells Raccoon Valley Radio masks continue to be optional, but they have other COVID-19 mitigation measures in place.

“We’ve tried to do some things different this year that quite honestly has gone well and maybe just become standard procedure in the future. Things like trying to limit the number of kids in a hallway at a time and just some staggered passing periods you might say. We’ve done some things in our lunchrooms that I think, especially in the elementary, probably will be the way they are for years to come, just because it maybe created a better system for us.”

Holloway notes the wearing masks are a personal preference and since they were able to get through the winter sports season, he is even more encouraged about the outdoor sports season returning for the rest of the school year. The Board initially made the change to no longer require masks at their regular meeting in March.