The Perry City Council approved the purchase of a 3,500 gallon tanker at their regular meeting Monday.
Also, the Council held a public hearing regarding the proposed contract documents and estimated costs for improvements to the wastewater treatment facility and there will be a recommendation on the bids on May 3rd and heard a presentation from Dollar General regarding their alcohol license.
Also, the Council approved a partial release of retainage for the McCreary Building renovations, approved a time and date of May 3rd for a nuisance abatement hearing, approved a professional services agreement for Bolton and Menk for a study on traffic signal improvements, approved a mowing agreement between Perry Water Works and the City of Perry Parks and Recreation Department and approved a new Perry Library Board of Trustees member.
Finally, the Council approved the advertising of request for proposals for operation of the Caboose Concession Stand at Caboose Park, a plat of survey to establish the Perry Industrial Park Plat 4 Lot 1, replacing Chapter 155 uniform construction codes with Chapter 155 building codes and waiving the third reading, an ordinance creating chapter 154 site development improvement and waiving the third reading, and discussed the form of application for street tree permits.
The Council also swore in two new officers for the Perry Police Department.