
Example of ARCY's work in Waterford, Ireland. Photo courtesy of

Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community is excited to announce the newest edition of their rooftop art series.

The public art display started in 2015 as a way to exhibit art on rooftops of the downtown buildings in Jefferson, with the best vantage point being in the observation deck of the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower.

Tower View Team Chair Deb McGinn says the newest display will be on top of Greater Life Chiropractic with a nationally recognized spray paint artist  Ryan Christensen, better known as ARCY.

“We discovered his work when we went to the National Main Street conference in Kansas City, (Missouri) a couple of years ago. He’s a muralist and he had never done anything on top of a rooftop before. But when we approached him about it he jumped at the chance to use the roof as kind of a new canvass for his artwork.”

McGinn appreciates the anonymous donation to allow for their fifth rooftop art installation to happen. The project will start soon and anticipated to be completed before the Bell Tower Festival in June.