The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night.
The meeting began with a public hearing on the proposed property tax levy for the 2022 fiscal year. Due to a publication error the incorrect percentage was published following the Council approval from their February 9th meeting. The proposed levy is only 0.5-percent increase, which the Council approved following the hearing. Additionally, the Council set April 27th as the public hearing date for the 2022 fiscal year budget.
The Council also authorized the Jefferson Fire Department to conduct a controlled structure burn at 703 North Wilson Avenue, they also approved a plat of survey at 1005 East Lincoln Way, where half of 20 acres will be retained by Midland Power Cooperative and the other half will be purchased by Greene County. Next, they accepted a $142,079 bid from TK Concrete of Pella for the 2021 alley reconstruction project, along with an additional $16,500 for additional services from Bolton and Menk for the construction plans of the project. A $74,027 pay estimate was approved for Caliber Construction for the Daubendiek Park walking shared use path project.
Then the Council set April 27th as public hearing dates to sell the former Angie’s Tea Garden building at 100 East State Street to Why Not Us, the former Pizza Ranch building at 206 North Wilson Avenue to The Stitch, and two vacant properties at 305 East Vest Street and 502 West State Street.
Finally, the Council approved two resolutions to authorize issuance of $3,585,000 of general obligation corporate purpose and refinancing of existing bonds, as well as $1,755,000 for taxable general obligation urban renewal bonds for the downtown city-owned buildings.