As construction season gets underway it is important to stay connected with projects in your area or how to report things.
Perry Public Works Director Jack Butler says the city will send out public service announcements to people letting them know when and where construction will take place and possible road closures or delays as well as using other means.
“City hall does a really good job at reaching out and getting that information out to the public so that they know what is going on.”
Butler says not only will the city reach out and let people know what construction will take place but people can also reach out to the city and let them know about possible damages to the roads such as potholes.
“They can reach out to city hall and either Liz (Hix) or Susie (Moorehead) will answer and they can tell them there and they call us and we got a list down at the shop.”
Butler says some areas need more work throughout the year as the seasons change or it rains.