The Stuart City Council will meet Monday night in regular session.

The Council will hold two public hearings, including a gas franchise fee and a Community Development Block Grant for equipment for Stuart Rescue, and then consider approving both measures following the hearings. Next, the Council will consider approving a sewer bill claim, a revised easement agreement at 1404 Northeast 2nd Street, All Saints Addition project concerning pay estimates for electrical distribution, and a pay estimate for the 2020 sewer system lining project. Additionally, the Council will discuss a city complaint resolution process, a White Pole Road project update, and a discussion on opening the aquatic center for the year. 

The Council will also consider for approval continuing to live-stream council meetings, a resolution to set a public hearing to annex property between the City and All Saints Catholic Church, a resolution for an agreement for automatic traffic enforcement and a resolution for an amendment to an existing ordinance regarding automatic traffic enforcement.

The meeting will take place in person and electronically at 6:30pm at the City Hall Council Chambers.

TO ATTEND THE MEETING BY PHONE: 1-646-749-3122 ACCESS CODE: 711-811-173 #