
As the weather continues to warm up that usually marks the beginning of the construction season, and there are some reminders for safety. 

Perry Public Works Director Jack Butler says people need to remember to slow down when they are coming up on construction work around town. Also, Butler says if you can avoid the area with construction in it to try and do so. 

“At all costs if you know your way around town, and it’s pretty easy to get around Perry, if you can just avoid the area altogether that’s the best bet because it is very dangerous. Nine times out of ten we will close a road off just to fill potholes as we are moving block for block just because we get people that want to drive by at 30, 40 miles per hour and not pay attention and that’s very frustrating.”

Butler tells Raccoon Valley Radio that if construction workers feel the area isn’t safe for motorists or for the workers themselves they will shut the road down. Butler says paying attention and slowing is important if you are navigating through a construction site.