
While the Big Boom Bracket Battle has wrapped up for the Perry Chamber of Commerce the radio pie auction kicks off tomorrow. 

The radio pie auction will kick off tomorrow at Raccoon Valley Radio at 8 a.m. Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti says this will be her first time conducting the pie auction but she is excited for the opportunity to do it. 

“There is some new energy around this idea that we can also live stream the pie auction event instead of just being on the radio. We want to push people to listen and tune in but there will be a fun component for watching the action with the live stream with the new technology that is here at the studio.”

Pasutii says the money raised from the pie auction will also go toward the fireworks drive for the Fourth of July celebration in Perry. Pasutti says the people will call Raccoon Valley Radio at 515-465-5357 and make their bids on the sweet pies.