
Two Guthrie County school districts will be participating in this year’s State Solo and Small Ensemble contest.

Panorama Band Director Jim Bauch says three students will submit solos, including Ruby Hummel on clarinet, Lauren Soll on alto saxophone and Shekynah Haworth on flute. He adds that numbers are down this year, but is excited to have the contest, after it was cancelled last year. Panorama Choir Director Chris Helm tells Raccoon Valley Radio there are nine solo entries. 

West Central Valley Choir Director Michael Gookin has one solo, four duets, and two small ensembles performing. He is excited because this is the first year that students are participating in this contest, after not doing so for several years. 

Because of the pandemic, all entries will be electronically submitted this year, instead of doing their performances live and in front of a judge. Gookin says this is an advantage because it allowed his students to record their entries during class. Helm believes that by recording their performance, it will lessen the students’ nerves.

The entries will be submitted prior to the judges critiquing and rating them next weekend.