
There are several bridge projects slated this year in Guthrie County.

County Engineer Josh Sebern tells Raccoon Valley Radio two bridges were completed early in March, while another bridge project is currently happening and is tied to another project in Hungary Canyons. Sebern says there are three additional bridge projects scheduled for this year, including one east of Yale, another south of Menlo to Interstate-80 and the final one is on 310th Road over the Middle River. He points out the bridge south of Menlo and the one on 310th Road were bundled together where funding came from other sources.

“We received federal grant money, which is always nice. So over half of those projects were paid for with federal grant money coming in and it’s matched with state funding. So there’s no Guthrie County dollars are having to pay for those bridges.”

Sebern talks about one pavement patching project on County Road N46, where last year a box culvert replaced a bridge through the South Raccoon River.

“So we have to patch that back. We left it as gravel patch over the winter and then through the spring to try and get as much settlement as we can before we put hard pavement back over top.”

Sebern adds they have also been hard at work repairing several potholes across the county, due to the extreme cold from this past winter season.