The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday in regular session.
The Board held a discussion regarding rescinding a previous resolution for salary increases for elected county officials. The Board previously approved at their March 2nd meeting a $3,000 increase for each county elected official. However, the County Compensation Board recommended a five-percent increase for all county-elected officials, with an additional $3,000. So instead they approved taking 40-percent of the recommended five-percent salary increase for each elected official for the 2022 fiscal year.
The Board also approved four payroll change notices for the secondary roads department. Austin Willms is a floating operator, Jason Carroll is a grater operator, Matt Martens was fully certified for spraying and Mike Kenyon is a motor grater operator. County Engineer Josh Sebern said due to the Willms promotion, he is advising for a laborer position. Sebern also reported repairing several potholes and tree trimming across the county. He also reviewed the winter removal activities, which Supervisor Chair Mike Dickson commended the staff.
“They did a good job this winter of keeping the rock on the roads, compared to other counties who just blew it off into the ditch. I think they did a real good job.”
Additionally, the Board approved abating property taxes of two parcels that are owned by the City of Stuart, a $3,000 reduction change order for detention for the law enforcement center project, and tabled the decision on a storm pipe change order, pending further review of the fee charges.