
As mental health concerns continue to grow in these uncertain times, ISU Extension and Outreach is offering some training to better assess someone’s mental health.

Mental Health First Aid Training is an eight-hour course that is designed to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Participants will learn to be more aware and informed about mental health and substance use issues, along with identifying, understanding and responding to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders, while using the different “tools” to start a conversation and provide initial help.

The next classes are scheduled for March 25th or April 22nd at 10am. The class is for adults and costs $35. It is free if you work in the agriculture industry. 

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training is a six-hour course where participants will learn how to connect youth to appropriate support and resources. There is also a five-step action plan to guide participants through the process of reaching out and offering support. Cost for the class is $35, and it is free for those who work as youth professionals, teachers, childcare providers, youth librarians and coaches. The next class is March 30th at 9am. 

Click the link below to register for either class.