The Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday night.
Following a public hearing, the Council approved the 2022 fiscal year budget, with a tax levy rate of $14.60 per $1,000 of valuation. The Council also approved renewing the City’s property insurance as presented, the 2020 fiscal year audit report, issuing a general obligation insurance funding loan agreement not to exceed $245,000, following a public hearing on the topic. Additionally, a hearing was held for a vicious dog complaint. Following the hearing and the evidence provided by the Stuart Police Department about a dog biting two individuals, the Council agreed with Police Chief David Reha’s recommendation to remove the dog from city limits within three days, as per the vicious dog ordinance.
The Council also approved a pay estimate of $89,259 to Hydaker-Wheatlake Company for electrical distribution for the All Saints Addition project, as well as awarding a $23,716 contract with VDL Construction for additional grading of the project.
The Council then approved an engineering services agreement with Veenstra and Kimm, Incorporated for construction of a Safe Routes to School Sidewalk project to install a sidewalk from All Saints to the elementary school. The Council also approved a resolution to allow for an installation of a gate for a homeowner at 1404 Northeast 2nd Street and allow the City to continue to have access to the easement on that property.
Finally, the Council heard an update from Stuart Rescue about purchasing an ambulance from the Menlo Fire Department and referring the installation of an automatic traffic camera to the city attorney, following a presentation by Chief Reha.