The Panorama School Board approved adjusting mask procedures at their regular meeting Monday.
Prior to the meeting, masks were required but now Panorama Superintendent Shawn Holloway says masks are now optional for staff and students.
“I think masks being optional probably fits our overall community in terms of maybe their personal beliefs on mask wearing so we will continue to contract trace for active cases but really we feel pretty fortunate over the last month, really month and a half our numbers have been extremely low so we feel like this was a good decision going forward.”
Also, the Board approved the first and second readings of various board policies, the 2021-2022 elementary student and family; secondary student; certified and non-certified staff handbooks, an overnight trip request, 2020-2021 snow make up dates, which has school ending on May 27th instead of May 24th and the 2021-2022 master calendar.