The West Central Valley School Board will consider approving a University of Northern Iowa student teaching agreement at their regular meeting tonight.
Also, the Board will consider approving the Middle School iPad technology agreement forms, 2021-2022 calendar, open enrollment, discuss COVID-19 procedures and enter into an exempt session for negotiation strategies.
The Board will meet at 6 p.m in the High School Board Room, and it will be held both in person and online. Information regarding the virtual option There is a virtual option to attend and the information to join can be found below. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you the recap of this meeting later this week.
Topic: Regular Meeting
Time: March 9, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74481648148?pwd=ZTc2UjZoZm5ZeXlZODlmTlVTeFVidz09 Meeting ID: 744 8164 8148
Passcode: bkk1UF