
The Panorama FFA Chapter recently competed at the district convention in Corning this past Saturday.

Advisor Steven Hameister says two students did well enough to advance to the state contest, which were Reagan Gibson in ag sales and Riley Gibson for creed speaking. Reagan is a senior and she talks about her initial reaction when she found out that she had advanced to the state contest.

“I was really, really excited. I did ag sales last year and I advanced onto state from that, but we weren’t able to have state. So now knowing that I advanced on and (it’s) very likely that we will have state, I think that’s just an amazing feeling and I’m really excited for it. It’s really special knowing that it is my last year and that I’m successful in the contest that I put so much time and hard work into. So it’s really nice that I can go on to state with that (as being) my last year.”     

Other results from the district competition for Panorama included a gold rating for the experience the action team entry, and silver ratings for Dylan Ford with chapter website, and the conduct of meetings team. Additionally, there was one silver and two bronze awards for the greenhand test, and three silver and four bronze awards for the farm management test. 

The state contest will take place from April 18th-20th at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines. The full results from the district contest can be found below.

Reagan Gibson Ag Sales- 2nd place Gold Advance to State

Riley Gibson Creed Speaking- 2nd place Gold Advance to State

Dylan Ford Chapter Website-Silver Rating

Experience the Action team Claire Woodworth, Paul Hansen, Sarah Kastner, Kaidyn Dencklau, Gabby Welberg-Gold Rating

Conduct of Meetings team Meredith Woodworth, Sarah Westergaard, Brock Hays, Ryan Cogil, Taylor Kunze, Zoey Hambleton, Weston Ploeger-Silver Rating

Quiz results taken online during the week:

Weston Ploeger Greenhand Test- Silver

Ryan Cogil Greenhand Test- Bronze

Tori Heckman Greenhand Test- Bronze

Keira Simmons Farm Management Test- Silver

Sarah Kastner Farm Management Test-Silver

Seth Hays Farm Management Test- Silver

Colten Benner Farm Management Test- Bronze

Gavin Pote Farm Management Test- Bronze

Kylie Doran Farm Management Test- Bronze

Miles Halling Farm Management Test- Bronze