Photo courtesy of Partnerships 4 Families
One non-profit organization that serves Greene County is encouraging parents of young children to be more physically active and live a healthier lifestyle.
Partnerships 4 Families has teamed up with the Iowa Department of Public Health in support of the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count initiative. The program is part of the Healthiest State Initiative, which encourages children to everyday eat five fruits and vegetables, no more than two hours of screen time, one or more hours of activity and consume zero sugary drinks.
Partnerships 4 Families have distributed 5-2-1-0 bags to early childhood programs, child care centers and registered child care providers with information for parents of two and three year olds of how to increase physical activity and eating healthy. Additional bags are available at local libraries where families can pick up a bag for free. The non-profit organization serves Greene, Audubon, Carroll and Guthrie counties.
Then on March 31st at 5pm will be a live drawing on their Facebook page for ten baskets with fun activities and a $20 gift certificate to a local grocery store to purchase fruits and vegetables. Information on how to enter the drawings is included in the bags.